10 January 2009

010/365 Ready

010/365 Ready

Entry #10 of Project 365. My gear stands at the ready. I am riding as the officer of the engine company today and my major is driving for me. It's kind of a switch around, but the major is under the weather and his voice is less then desirable for talking and giving commands so he let me ride as officer.

I am still playing with the lighting techniques from strobist.com. I set the camera to shoot the ambient light -2 ev (2 stops below what it thinks would be a correct exposure). The flash, a Vivitar 850AF set at 1/8 power @85mm was held by a voice activated lighting stand (me).

This is not perfection. I have come to realize that in this project I will have to shoot down and dirty from time to time and expect less than perfection. Achieving perfection normally prevents me from "wasting my time" by taking photos that I see as not worth the effort if I cannot get them perfectly. So I quickly set this shot up, and in less than 10 minutes I had it posted online. Maybe I can learn that perfection is not always the goal, sometimes the journey is the experience not the outcome.

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