- 07:07 Awake, and not happy about that fact. Need more sleep.
- 14:19 Louisville Fire Dept. waste no time extinguishing working fires. No wonder I can't ever get any good shots! Working one Hemlock St.
- 20:40 Bush Presidency summed up in two words: Duck Soup.
- 22:04 Going to sleep soon. Have to get up at 5am for firehouse shift. Have a safe & happy new year eve.
31 December 2008
Twitter Log
30 December 2008
HDR Imaging
The second image is particularlly pleasing to my eye. This is the closest I have seen digital images come in comparison to Fuji Velvia slide film. I like the rich tonal range of velvia. I think this (once I find a good workflow and refine my processing) is going to appear in many of my images in the future. Enjoy the view!
P.S. Click the photos to see the images correctly. Blogspot has the column set to a very square alignment so some of the image is clipped on the right side.
Twitter Log
- 01:54 Some kid had difficulty keeping his car on his side of the road. Hit on comming car. Kid's van on its side. Minor Injs. No sleep.
- 04:42 Furnace malfunction. Smoked up 3rd floor of Apt. Bldg. Easy fix, 2 hours of sleep.
- 12:05 Four legged alarm clock, says it's time to get up. I disagree but awake now.
- 12:53 Project 365 LEGO (AKA Lego 365) legomyphoto.wordpress.com
- 13:48 Changed the layout of my blog. Thought briefly of moving to wordpress, I didn't. Time to get the day started.
- 17:15 Anyone know why they are putting brine on the streets? I haven't heard of any ice/snow comming
- 23:07 Playing with HDR images. Hopefully I can get it to work!
Lego my Photo
29 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:43 Back to the firehouse. Hopefully another quiet day, but that's doubtful. Admin staff is working today. They always make our jobs difficult!
- 12:38 Crew is @ gym. I am playing with photo equipment. Trying some strobist techniques.
- 14:29 1st run of the day, EMS lift assist. Medic's partner couldn't lift using stair chair. She needs to find new job.
- 14:44 Washing chief's command vehicle. Glamorous life of a fire fighter.
- 15:35 Fairdale Fire Dept. Working Fire on Gerald Way.
- 19:18 New photo blog fyrdog21.blogspot.com/ warm up to Project 365.
- 20:23 Dispatch: "The mighty and all powerful map says......" ROTFLMAO
- 21:32 Dummy Test: What happens when you put your oven on self clean but leave large chunks in there? THEY FREAKING BURN. Stupid people.
- 21:38 AT&T Still sucks. Why can't I connect to media net on cooked rom? This is why I had to switch ROMs. Dumass Company.
- 22:29 Ok I found a MobiTV cab to install. I also have the hack.
- 22:40 Listening to Fireground Action Photog. Podcast. Hmm...still need to make my bed. Getting sleepy.
- 22:47 There is a hack that clears the Registry, so it re-sets the trial period every 3 days.
- 22:50 Ok twits, I;m going to make my bed and lay in it (as the saying goes).
Test #2
We have a small cemetary behind the firehouse. I have wanted to take some images of the head stones for quite some time. Now that I am armed with strobes, wireless triggers and a digital SLR, I thought hey why not today? I was please that the wording on the head stone is readable. The tree just provides a little border (and yes I know it is overpowering the main subject).
I am not satisfied with the balance of the lighting, but hey this is only the third time I've tried this off camera lighting. With time (and project 365) hopefully I will get better and more creative. I do need to get some light modifiers, but that costs money. For now I will use what I have and make DIY modifiers as I need.
Test #1
I told you that I would take photos today, and now I shall share them. This image was taken while my crew was working out at the gym. I am really a newbie when it comes to using off camera flashes to light (and balance with ambient light) the scenes. I wanted to show the interior of the apparatus (as I was calling it my 'office'). This is not a perfect image all polished but ti will help me learn how to achieve my goals. I used two flashes one just off camera right and one off camera left lighting up the background. Both were triggered by cactus remotes (cheep versions of pocket wizards). I did not really find a suitable location for the flashes (also called strobes).
I am still learning this lighting technique so bear with me.
Thoughts from the Cat
- 10:37 Eating Dog's food. She doesn't mind. SWAT no I said this is MY food now. BAD DOG! #
28 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 05:04 Awake and on the way to the OC. Yippy!
- 10:30 Waiting for the storm. Weather changed last night/this AM so surely EMS runs will pick up. Already made one to a well known regular.
- 11:05 Media have to comply with DOT highway safety vest rule tinyurl.com/a3um6p
- 11:08 USDA Issues Recall on Laryngoscope blades tinyurl.com/533ttq
- 12:43 SUV vs. Cryogenic tanker. People need to slow down while exiting the Highway. It's not that hard.
- 12:55 Capricorn: A certain someone can say three words to you and suddenly internal chaos insues.
- 13:25 El Alcopulco for lunch. 5 runs so far today.
- 14:10 Making the sam guy again. He just left the ER. He is abusing the EMS system.
- 15:35 Watching Tennessee get whipped by the Colts. And it's over.
Project 365
Project 365 is a photography project where the goal is to take at least on photo every day for an entire year (Last year's would have been project 366). Having freed much of my time by completing the paramedic class, I will take this personal challenge to improve my photography. I will make attempts to post the chosen photo here on the blog with any thoughts or stories that accompany the image. You can also check my flickr photostream for the images.
While waiting around for the next EMS run to come in I just thought, why wait until January 1st? I think I will have a little warm up and start taking photos tomorrow (but I will officially count beginning on Jan. 1 2009). Ambitious? Yes, but why wait?
27 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 08:37 Loading a few Geocaches into my Tilt. Wife & I are going to take the dogs for a walk this afternoon.
- 13:07 Running APRS/CE on my Tilt. Kind of neat, but there aren't many APRS stations around me. #hamr
- 13:08 KY hams don't seem too interested in APRS , D-Star, IRLP. We do have a few Echolink repeaters, but they are not active #hamr
- 20:02 Dinner at Cafe Mimosa. Mongolian Pot Soup. Yummy.
Thoughts from the Cat
- 05:49 Black Pants too clean, they need some gray fur, allow me to fix this Mr. Human. #
26 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 05:10 Morning Metro 'Ville. Going back to the firehouse. Admin. Staff is off today, should be peaceful.
- 08:19 We need to educate people. There is a difference between steam from radiator and fire in the engine. MVA no fire minor injuries.
- 10:18 Crew is at the gym. I'm engineer today & I'm staying with the truck. Can't wait till we get facilities at new station to workout on my sched
- 11:00 And I awoke, faintly bouncing around the room. The echo of whom ever spoke (that time and once again I'm bouncing around the room)
- 19:52 Whoa, Fee you try to live a life that's completely free. Flyod is dead he's nothing but a ripple, cause Millie took that paper and sliced...
- 20:13 Watching Whale Wars on TV. Apperently HH The Dalai Lama supports their effort. tinyurl.com/7bbbwo
- 22:59 Going to sleep. G'nite twits.
25 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:08 Awake early. No particular reason, just up at 5am. Oh well, at least I get a nap today.
24 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 08:05 Home. 30 degrees warmer today, lots of rain. Going to try to take 2 days off to elax.
- 10:37 I must be crazy. I need to get an ethernet card for my computer. I have to goto a store, on xmas eve (day). Cruel world.
- 12:57 Desktop back up and running. Now to try a few flying games!
- 19:32 Christmas eve at the in-laws. Lots of people here, I know some of them.
23 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:30 Back at the fire house for 24. Going to be a messy afternoon/evening with freezing rain after 13:00.
- 10:36 Crew at the gym. Sgt actually listened to my suggestion, goto gym before freezing rain starts this afternoon. I think it's a miracle.
- 10:38 Anyone wantto hire new paramedic for regular part-time work? It's going to be challnging to find a job.
- 10:43 Crap. It's 28 deg. and the rain begins. MVA's begin soon.
- 12:53 Sprinkler Pipe burst at hotel. Water secured now chief wants us to do a fire inspection. There goes lunch.
- 14:08 Anxiously checking NREMT website to see if the have the results from Saturday. Hope to get my card in the mail by Jan.5 so I can goto KBEMS
- 14:21 People in the 'Ville- Roads are becomming ICY use extreme caution!
- 14:23 I-64 is a mess, Multiple MVA's (one involves 9 vehicles). Taylorsville Lake Rd has serious accident.
- 14:31 Fatality on Taylorsville Lake Rd. per Eastwood Fire.
- 14:41 841 & Taylorsville Rd. EMS crew hit, 9902 also hit. Multi patients down.
- 14:45 J-town Engine on scene now saying need at least 3 Ambulances. 1 EMT, Asst. Chief & 1 other PT hit by vehicle.
- 16:10 Joel E. Neild NREMT #:P8032355 Level: Paramedic Exp. Date: 31 Mar 2011
- 16:11 Hell Ya! They scored my practical today and I officially passed! Now to get paperwork by mail.
22 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 05:28 Currently it's 3 deg, wind chill (-12) and I'm starting a shift at OC. Too damn cold for 911 runs.
- 07:43 Sitting at PVFD station untill noon, at least we can sit inside.
- 09:35 Catching up on Sbemails. Truely original and very funny. Check out the virus email. no viruses are harmed in the making of that flash video
- 09:36 www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail.html
- 13:32 Drove an ALS transfer to Baptist east. Both ways in are crowded with holiday shoppers. Could be a long afternoon.
21 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 09:32 Thanks to everyone who supported me and put up with me for the past two years!
- 12:05 Out in the cold & craziness, braving shoppers. I need to pick up a few items. I must have lost my sanity yesterday.
- 12:35 Grabbing some white castles for lunch. Health food right?
Thoughts from the Cat
- 19:54 I JUST REALIZED I NEED TO BE IN THE BASEMENT! scamper run slip turn @?!*@?! #
20 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 05:53 Driving to Liberty Twp, OH for NREMT skills test.
- 07:56 I have arrived. About 1 hour early, but thats good. Butler Comm. College has a nice public safety campus. Wish we did in Metro louisville
- 15:09 Finished all stations. Waiting to see if I need to re-test. I might need to take 1 or 2 stations again.
- 15:29 WOOHOOO! I Freaking PASSED!
Thoughts from the Cat
- 10:30 My food bowl is almost half empty I demand MORE FOOD #
- 10:32 I'm sophisticated, I pick up each kibble with my paw then consume. Now I knock the bowl off the table. now you HAVE to fill my bowl hahahaha #
19 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 09:29 Good morning Twits. Last day to brush up on Medic skills before I test. Hard driving rain in the metro today, good day to be inside.\
- 13:14 Bela Fleck & Flecktones: Jingle Bells tinyurl.com/4br6on
- 14:13 Walked the Dogs. 1.64 miles. They really needed a walk (so did I). Time to get the last Xmas packages in the mail.
- 19:14 Going out to Smokey Bones to eat. Trying to relax tonight, before the big day. Wish I had the snow New England is getting!
Thoughts from the Cat
- 22:42 I will force you to sleep by weighing you down. I lay on you to impose my will. #
- 22:43 Now to insert subliminal messages while you sleep. MORE FOOD. AND THAT FEATHER THING. #
18 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 00:33 ACLS algorithms, IV's, Drug Doses, OPQRST, not exactly sugar plumb fairies dancing through my head.
- 00:44 Ok, now I really need to sleep. It's 12:45am, I've been up for 20 hours and the biggest test is Saturday.
- 00:45 G'night all you crazy Twitter monkeys. This primate is sleepy.ZZZZZzzzzzzzz
- 03:13 Why were they cooking at 3am? Why did they burn their food? Why can't FD cancel on crap like that?
- 10:18 Been awake since 3am. Been out on fatal plane crash since 4am. Being held over. Crew is sleepy. EMS is busy.
- 12:21 This is where I was all morning tinyurl.com/3rutrb
- 15:00 My 4 legged alarm clock says I only get 2 hours of sleep today. Gotta love my dogs
- 17:40 watching "super size me" after a little study session. We'll see if I still like fast foods after this.
17 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:34 Guten Aben, HTC weather says high 40 low 40. Sounds like an average day at the firehouse.
- 17:04 I need a chemist. How does a LOX
- 17:07 LOX/Asphalt reaction progress to explosion? Tried google w/o luck.
- 17:21 Quakk doesn't like ampersands (&) so it messed up my first LOX post.
- 20:57 2nd run today. I'm driving the Quint. Pull station at hotel. Probably false. Big surprise.
16 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 00:49 Added a boat load of photos to my Flickr. tinyurl.com/6nuhjw
- 16:21 Ok, today has been a really off day for me. I have managed to get Most of my packages in the mail. Only 2 left.
Thoughts from the Cat
- 12:19 pay attention to me pay attention to me pay attention to me pay attention to me BITE I said pay attention to me #
- 15:25 Hey there's food in my bowl. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Need more. #
14 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 05:51 Awake
- 06:26 Hmmm...Quakk didn't send all of my last tweet. Strange.
- 09:15 Dropped our Rescue Trailer off to get Cascade system filled. Fixing things the other two shifts have left untouched.
- 09:15 So much for "Pride & Ownership" in my department.
- 10:21 I'm a little concerned about the freezing rain/wintery mix tomorrow. That could be a bad day.
- 15:42 WooHoo! Whole platoon went geocaching, we found one behind the station!
13 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 12:23 I'm thinking of hunting down a few geocaches near my house today.
- 16:13 Found 2 of 4 Caches today. GPS on Tilt phone has 15-20 sec lag when walking around, so it's hard to pinpoint locations.
- 21:05 Sitting at home watching Fight Club on G4. Not as good without the curse words.
- 21:27 'Where did you go psycho boy?' "I wanted to destroy something beautiful"
- 21:28 "Please return your trays to the upright and locked position"
12 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 10:54 Blah. No rest for the wicked. Dogs are too hyper, adn now I have a headache. Sounds like a fun day in store for me.
11 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:48 Emergency services: Largely forgotten until despirately needed. Thats how the public views us. Another 24 hours of being forgotten.
- 08:19 Engine check done. I'm driving the beast today so we are sure to make a working fire.
- 12:40 Panera Bread for lunch. Had a class on basic nutrition this AM. FD has hired a Nutritionist to help us eat better. Not a bad Idea.
- 13:18 Anyone using a twitter client on windows mobile 6.1? Tiny Twitter is acting weird.
- 21:03 Reviewing ACLS Algorithms. "The players tried to take the field, but the marching band refused to yeild"
10 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 03:37 Awake way earlier than I need to be, didn't get much sleep last night either. Might as well start the day, working OC today.
- 06:23 Working at OC today. Truck checked, headed for PVFD until noon.
- 08:42 2 runs so far, just not in my coverage area. Cold, cloudy day.
- 10:14 Full arrest, just not in my area. Total runs = 4 so far today. Busy for the OC
- 10:26 Still VERY sleepy. Wondering when this will be over?
- 11:19 Runs 5&6 went out. Both ALS transports in La Grange. We are rotating back to 9300 at noon.
- 15:56 Mayor is Closing LFD Engine 7? We should just fire Mayor for life, that would save money.
09 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 07:48 Awake, warm morning in the metro. Looks like mostly rain (no snow) todat. Passing time until I go to written test.
- 11:26 I'm confused. I answered 80 questions and test ended. I either rocked, or blew it completely.
- 14:08 Playing Aces High II (my online gme addiction)
- 15:16 Results are in from NREMT........
- 15:18 NREMT says "Congratulations on successfully completing the cognitive portion of your EMS certification."
- 15:49 testing
- 15:50 Twitterfox is acting up. It won't D/L my followed tweets?
- 18:28 What the hell? Irish Rover doesn't carry Tennants lager anymore? This is not right. Some celebration tonight :(
- 19:16 Mayor for life is at the rover. BTW sticky toffee pudding rocks here. Props to Cumberland brews for scottish ale!
08 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 05:19 It's way too early. At the gym for a little pre-shift workout. We'll see how this goes, I'm still tired.
- 09:33 Still sleepy. Wish I could nap at work. Not much on the agenda today.
- 11:33 Out to the grocery store. Chicken for dinner tonight. Not my turn to cook.
- 11:36 What the?! Tiny Twitter is being really freaking slow today. Is twitter overloaded today?
- 12:31 NWS predicting 1-3 inches of rain Tomorrow. I hope the temp drops and it all comes down as snow. We get screwed on snow in the Metro.
- 12:39 <singing> Snow, it won't be long before we'll all be there with snow; Snow, I want to wash my hands, my face and hair with snow
- 15:38 Did geocashing for training. It was a ton of fun. Need to give that a try!
07 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 00:40 Back home. Laying in bed listening to Fireground Action Photog. Podcast.
- 08:43 Awake, earlier than I want to be. Cold outside. Going to drink tea, wake up then study.
- 13:23 Won a 1gb mp3 player as door prize last night. Adding music to it now. I think it will work well for me.
- 13:26 Back to studying for paramedic test. I'm finding it hard to actually sit down and study, but here I go again!
- 17:32 Consistently scoring 80's on all test prep material. I was hoping to do better, but I guess I'll settle with a passing grade.
- 19:00 Watching Charlie Wilson's War on demand. Technology can be very cool at times.
Thoughts from the Cat
- 07:55 Don't know why they call it dog food, I like it just as well! #
- 07:56 Displaying my excellent vocal range. i go from soprano to baritone. #
06 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 00:35 Watching Silverado on AMC. Bored & tired, but can't sleep. Such is life at the station.
- 07:51 Home, nap, then back to studying. Was up till 1am so I'm a little sleepy.
- 12:27 Good afternoon! Time to hit the books. Test in 4 days.
- 12:50 Rain/Snow/Sleet stuff falling. It's cold & wet outside.
- 13:10 I bet Metro Govmnt. wasn't prepared to salt the roads today. They are so narrow sighted. Now....cars wrecked everywhere.
- 13:09 Ambulance Company called, they want to staff more Trucks due to icy roads. It would me more hazardous for me to drive there.
- 13:27 Damn, I think my DVD player bit the dust also. It's the only CD player I have connected to the stereo.
- 16:54 Getting ready for Department Banquet tonight. Not all that much fun, but we'll make due.
05 December 2008
Twitter Log
- 10:07 Good morning Twits. Been at work for more than 3 hours. Had a fire alarm run @ 06:30 (before my shift) and I drove the quint.
- 10:07 Command Car checks today (oh boy). Temp 17deg F this AM. No galavanting around in apparatus. Hope to study this afternoon.
- 10:24 Strobist reference to soul-sucking day job...LOL tinyurl.com/6nwwl5
- 10:40 Not that my job is soul-sucking, every once in a while we get the chance to positively influence the outcome of someone's Day.
- 14:40 2nd run today, automatic M/A to Middletown. Drove Quint again. This is getting to be habitual
- 15:04 3rd & 4th runs simultanious. 3rd was cooking fire out on arrival. 4th was another alarm malfunction. Keep the runs comming!
- 15:07 Oh yeah I am oficially driver/Chauffer/engineer or any other word for apparatus operator today.
- 17:25 Dinner time at the station, some days reminds me of slopping hogs. Fill the trough, them hogs is hungry!
- 18:15 Evening routine is finished. Ripping CD's so I can put them on my HTC Kaiser.
- 19:37 Listening to Music on my ATT Tilt. Hooray for Technology. Now I need one of two thing: 1. HTC mini USB to 3.5mm headphone adapter or...
- 19:38 2. Bluetooth stereo headphones.
- 20:47 Studying for NREMT-P written exam (on Tuesday). My whole weekend will be studying (but not entirely, I need breaks too).
- 22:51 Crimeny. I only scored an 81% on Trauma. Some questions I just blanked on. Oh well, it's passing. Need more sleep, G'nite Twits!
Twitter Log
- 10:07 Good morning Twits. Been at work for more than 3 hours. Had a fire alarm run @ 06:30 (before my shift) and I drove the quint.
- 10:07 Command Car checks today (oh boy). Temp 17deg F this AM. No galavanting around in apparatus. Hope to study this afternoon.
- 10:24 Strobist reference to soul-sucking day job...LOL tinyurl.com/6nwwl5
- 10:40 Not that my job is soul-sucking, every once in a while we get the chance to positively influence the outcome of someone's Day.
- 14:40 2nd run today, automatic M/A to Middletown. Drove Quint again. This is getting to be habitual
- 15:04 3rd & 4th runs simultanious. 3rd was cooking fire out on arrival. 4th was another alarm malfunction. Keep the runs comming!
- 15:07 Oh yeah I am oficially driver/Chauffer/engineer or any other word for apparatus operator today.
28 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 01:39 2nd run of the night. Automatic MA to a factory. Luckily it was a false alarm. Tired & hungry. P-nut butter & crackers for snack! #
- 07:46 Back home, and going to take a pre-turkey nap. Not much sleep to be had at the firehouse. #
- 07:47 Everyone have a safe & happy turkey day. If anyone cooks a turducken let me know! #
25 November 2008
Split Brain
Creativity is at war with logic. I found that you have to nurture creativity and free though. Left neglected, the ability to create and think in color, light, sound and feel the world, slowly dies. It's a use it or lose it clause that I did not bargin for and I wish i could change the rules. While I appreciate many other arts, expressing myself with photography is the choosen outlet for my creativity. The mechanics of my cameras don't leave me but the ability to 'see' the image before depressing the shutter release becomes more difficult when not practiced.
In my former life I designed lights for theatre. I reached my pinnacle when I got hired by Disney. I was not the best but I could hold my own and I had the priveledge of working with very talented designers. Creativity was our food and we feasted while we could. Now I am in an opposite world, emergency services and fire fighting. We concentrate on logic, science and muscle memory to accomplish our goals. My creative brain wants to come out and play but free thinking is stifled in the fire service.
I cannot reconcile the two opposites. I cannot think logically and be creative. I have to be one or the other and this Bipolar persona can get old. Right now I want nothing more than to create images (although it has been a long time since I used pencil to draw) in any way i can. Tomorrow I might want to study the hydrocarbon derivative family of chemistry.
I need a vulcan mind meld to bring the two halves together. I will continue to be pulled in both directions with my heart in theatre, photography, music and my mind in firefighting and pre-hospital medicine.
Twitter Log
- 07:55 Going to study paramedic.....after a morning nap :D #
- 12:15 Awake now. Pay bills, study listening to public safety frequencies. #
- 12:27 Crap. Quicken Online Changed their look & features. It looks better but now I have to re-learn to use all the features! #
- 14:45 Question for #NPR Where are your stories about this fractional reserve banking system? Where is the public news oversight? #
- 15:49 Looking for a GUI for WM6.1 that has Flexmail support! There should be an easier way damnit! #
- 21:47 Watched TrueBlood finale. Not totally hooked on the show, but it deserves to return next season. #
- 23:02 I'm obviously only allowed a finite number of hours of sleep per day. Today's have been exceeded. (can't sleep damnit) #
- 23:13 You in Div 1? Thats my house! Just stay clear of Eastwood. Very Scarry! #
24 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 05:12 Good Morning sunshine. Time to make the donuts. #
- 06:36 Firehouse=24 hours. Cold sunday morning 21 deg in the metro. I'm driving the engine today, so we'll make a fire today. #
- 08:08 Need to create 3 hour review of chemistry for emergency responders class. Sounds like fun to me! (Yes I am that sick) #
- 08:12 Watching K7AGE's new Hamshack Chat on youtube. #
- 08:21 Breakfast is ready at the firehouse! Time to eat. #
- 10:55 Gym time. Wish we could have nap time. It's crowded at the gym. I think it would be better to have equip. at the station. Save time/money. #
- 14:03 Finished 1st draft outline of Chem. class. Need to add details, probably cut some topics for time. #
- 15:14 I really should have been a sound person (squeeker). I enjoy good harmonies & harmonics. I still miss working in theatre. #
- 17:47 I'm thinking about Project 365. Take 1 photo per day (or more) for a year, and post on flickr. I'm interested. #
23 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 01:21 Falls City tinyurl.com/6n6apk #
- 01:30 Can't sleep. Again. #
- 13:32 Installing child safety seats for inlaws. Good thing I am certified to do this. #
- 13:49 One CSS installed waiting for the second CSS and car to arrive. We should not have stopped doing these at the fire station. #
- 14:51 Finished #2 CSS. Off to run errands. Dropkick Murphy show tonight! #
- 16:49 Going to Donn my kilt & see Dropkick Murphy's tonight. Good night to wear wool! #
- 18:58 Wife & I are only 2 people who look for FOH position to see what gear they're running #
- 19:42 Angel City Outcasts opening, nothing interesting. Copious amounts of EtOH needed to improve their performance. #
- 19:42 Sound mix not great, but as they say junk in = junk out. FOH mixer didn't have much to work with. #
- 19:43 Dropkick Murphy's are on deck. Let the show begin! #
- 22:19 Ate dinner at Irish Rover before DKM show. Good night all around. Have to get up @ 05:00am for firehouse shift tomorrow. Night Twits! #
21 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:44 Another 24 hours at the station. Already had an MVA. #
- 08:21 Going out to do a preplan of a business. It's 33 degrees outside. #
- 09:58 Next on the schedule is EMS training by Louisville Metro EMS. Still compiling thoughts on Foam class I am teaching tonight. #
- 16:59 Still not comfortable taking command on fireground. I'm just an engineer, not even an officer! #
- 22:19 Class finished. Entering fire run from earlier in computer. Getting tired, need to make bed. #
20 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 09:00 I'm awake already. Need to study a little today. #
- 09:31 NOOOO! You made another medic vampire? What have we told you about being a maker? #
- 09:43 COme to think of it, if you happen to be a vampire and need a job, Paramedic might not be so bad. You can work 3rd shift #
- 09:44 And you can just get your drink on directly from the IV catheter. No messy punctures in the neck, no evidence. #
- 10:05 Starting RapidCE course on Pharmacology #
- 11:04 Finished Pharm. Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics just 2 of the cool words I don't use enough daily. #
- 11:12 New photo project for me. Attend Special teams training for documentation. I can attend as member on duty, and next day take photos. #
- 15:20 It costs way too much to take Paramedic exam. $110 for writen, $215 for practical. All for what? #
- 22:13 Should be sleeping but I have water and wetting agents chemistry on my mind. Teaching Fire Foam streams to recruits tomorrow nite #
19 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 09:06 48 hours off. Need to study for big test. #
- 13:49 Cleared from House fire in Bullitt County, got a few photos. Have to run a few errands then I will D/L the images. #
- 14:13 Woohoo! scored an 80% on the practice test. Not perfect but it will do for now! #
18 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:30 At the firehouse again for 24 hours of fun and excitement! #
- 09:24 Waiting at burn building for other Depts to show. Only 3 of us from WFD, not enough to train with per NFPA 1403. #
- 15:56 Snow flurries in the metro. I like snow. No accumulation today, supposed to be coldest night this year. #
- 19:39 Returning from full arrest. 2 medics & 1 graduate in back. I rode in by request. It's nice to be wanted. #
17 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 11:12 Going to North End Cafe for brunch! #
15 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:27 24 hours of sheer joy ahead! Life as an overpaid janitor. At least I get two days off now! #
- 12:23 Did a little rope training after the routine was completed. Each time we train on ropes I have to re-teach them to tie knots. They don't... #
- 12:25 ...get why I am always saying we need to train every shift. We never progress past knots & anchors. Hi-line is out of the question! #
- 15:22 Passed the hazmat team physical agility test today. Now I'm tired. #
14 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 11:45 Out to make the drop off. Hope fully the G-men aren't tailing me. #
- 16:15 Watching Iron Man. Yes i used to have to comics. #
13 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 07:31 Last 12 hours of ride time today! Cold & rainy all day. Hopefully it won't be too busy. #
- 14:21 Crew just got Call of Duty 5. Split screen sucks, its not full width & it's offset top/bottom. #
- 19:10 All 502 hours of ride time complete. Now two tests to complete, and hopefully I'll be a medic! #
12 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:32 Got up a little early for some Tai chi practice. Filled up car for $1.85/gal. This is going to be a long shift. Too much going on todat. #
- 06:34 I am going to try to practice Taichi in morning & evening. i need to regain some flexability. #
- 07:40 Every one have a happy & safe Armistice Day!. Remember 11th day of 11th month on 11th hour. #
- 14:19 Just read JEMS article 'Escape Faulty Thinking' and i could not agree more. We need better critical thinking skills and less 'cook book'... #
- 14:20 ...medics. Complete assessments and good diagnostic skills will help us greatly! #
- 18:40 Next AO-51 Fly over is 23:54est. I don't think I can stay awake that long! #
- 18:45 DOH! That was UTC, not EST. Next flyover is in 10 minutes. I think I'll give a listen. No TX capabilities yet. #
- 19:03 Damn! Cloudy & rainy night, did not get a good copy on AO51 even though it passed right over my work! (close anyway) #
- 21:25 Evening training completed, Engine washed. Time to make my bed (and lay in it) and relax. #
11 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 11:29 I notice that I tweet less when I am off duty. TOday looks like last day of sunshine for the week. Rain all week long! #
- 15:57 Guiness Beef stew is in the dutch oven for 2 hours. Time to virtual fly. #
10 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 07:20 Another 12 hours pretending to be a paragod. 22 hours remain of my 500 hour ride time. The end is near. #
- 10:33 Took 2nd of 3 PTs out of six flags over jesus. Must be a bad sermon today. PTs had unrelated illnesses. #
- 16:09 I think I'm going to work on my photography after paramedic is done. I am out of practice! #
- 17:07 Missed another full arrest. 2nd in a week, and I was on the other truck. Oh well, guess I'm not supposed to make those two runs. #
09 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:42 Another 24 hours at the firehouse. All officers are in NIMS 400 class today. Recruit class also going on. Ragtag crew until officers back! #
- 09:09 Completed last fire inspection for the quarter. Time to start daily routine #
- 09:34 Question: Do i travel to CT and take Practical exam, or Stay close and take one 2 hours away? Money being no issue here. Discuss! #
- 14:19 Alrighty then. Looks like we are headed to the gym. I wish we had mandatory nap time (OSHA safety nap). #
- 21:45 Listening to Fireground action Photo. podcast. #
08 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 13:52 Picking up / cleaning around the house. #
07 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 01:57 Going to sleep. Riding again tomorrow. 3 shifts left (and then there were none). #
- 07:24 On the road again....Riding another 12 hours at the anchor. People of east jeff. Co. Be afraid! #
- 07:35 Ok, I have been here for 10 minutes and already people bitching about the election. They are very 'right' here. #
- 08:42 Unable to get online at AFD, guess I'll have to play Call of Duty 4 instead #
- 12:52 just spent an hour with a diabetic PT. We couldn't get her BG above 50 until we pushed D50. She really didn't want to go to hospital. #
- 13:59 2nd Pediatric PT today. Childrens Hosp. always happy to see us multiple times! Actually they are really nice, and too busy! #
- 16:51 Sitting here, Anchor has fire in bathroom; my FD is out on working fire and again I am without gear. 3rd fire I've been too while riding. #
06 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:39 Working 24 hours at the firehouse. Long day at mostly republican department. :P to them! #
- 12:07 Lunch now, later we do more fire inspections. Maybe someday we can actually train. #
- 18:24 Finished dinner & evening chores. Relax time at the station! WooHoo! #
- 18:58 Oh damnit. My sunflower seeds are peddled by ConAgra Corp. They are just evil. I need to find a new brand. #
- 19:02 At least its not ADM or Cargill. They invented evil. Just ask the Corn farmers. #
- 19:12 I'm really enjoying the Spring Awakening OBC soundtrack. Incase you didn't know I do like theater, and I used to work as lighting tech #
- 22:17 I'm tired, but don't feel like going to sleep yet. I hate when I get this way. Brain & body are disconnected, and I suffer for it. #
- 22:21 I should be doing something useful, like studying pre-hospital medicine. I always was a procrastinator. #
- 22:22 34 hours of ride time left. 3 more shifts (12 hrs each). 1 week from today I will be done.Then what? #
- 22:36 I think the high from last night is still with me. I keep feeling like there is hope again, for our country. #
- 22:41 Nights like this I wish I could be working in theater still. I miss the creative outlet. #
05 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 02:53 02:52am, I am awake. Dispatched about an hour ago, I am on the other ambulance tonight, so we stayed in quarters. Can't get back to sleep #
- 05:24 Poll workers arrived at firehouse 05:02am. We got a run at 05:23am. Sleep was not in the cards tonight anyway. #
- 06:12 Chest Pain, short of air. Normal 12 lead, gave NTG x2 & ASA. IV 20ga L forearm. PT most likely has pneumonia or other resp. illness. #
- 14:34 Walking to my polling place. Luckily its only one block from my house. #
- 15:15 Voted. I did my part. Now for the long wait...... #
- 16:00 KY is stupid. We cannot buy ETOH until after Polls close. WTF? Damn rednecks ruin it for everyone #
- 16:02 Listening to Spring Awakening waiting for wife to come home so we can walk the dogs. #
04 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 07:05 Riding paramedic for 24 hours today. #
- 07:15 I had a great weekend! Went camping sat. night with wife & dogs, Walked in Iraqouis park Sunday. Beautiful weekend. #
- 07:16 Woohoo! this is officially update #666. If that scares you then I do not care. #
- 10:07 I understand if you are sick, but faking unresponsiveness does not fly with me. I have no pitty for those PTs. #
- 12:02 Grrrr....0/2 on IV attempts. 3rd run patient assist. I wish I could stop trying for perfection on IV's. At least I don't stop trying! #
- 14:33 1/3 on IVs now. Got it despite my preceptor laughing and saying that I would miss this one too. So there :P #
- 17:31 Run #6 for me, 2nd refusal. I hope we get some sleep tonight! #
- 19:23 Run #7 Anxiety attack. Some people think they deserve everything. PT went to triage and was mad. Full arrest was on the way in. #
- 19:52 Just backed into quarters, dispatched again. Don't think it'll be a quiet night. Dinner on the run again! #
- 20:43 Dispatched as Shortness of air. Reality Legs voluntarily shaking no SOA. Someone stupid got in the way here, caller or call taker. #
01 November 2008
Twitter Log
- 10:00 What to do on my days off? Need to mow my yard, but I feel like just enjoying the 70 deg weather & taking photos. #
31 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 08:25 Fat angry guys, with distinct accents have found a home on youtube. I never knew. There is one from brooklyn and one from Boston. #
- 08:56 Riding on the ambulance, playing para-god. 70 hours left. Got 2 days off this weekend! #
- 10:28 Happy All Saints Day (AKA All Hallows eve) #
- 10:38 First IV attempt in a while, and could not get the catheter to advance further. At least I didn't blow the vein! #
- 13:27 Allergic reaction. PT took 75mg Benadryl PO & used epi-pen. Today is ALS day I guess!?* #
- 14:24 Is it wrong to finnish your reeses peanut butter cup sundae while responding to a diabetic emergency? #
- 15:01 Hypoglycemia. Blood sugar=40 PT fading slowly. Almost tried oral glucose, but PT no able to follow commands. IV 18ga R AC 1 amp D50. fixed! #
- 17:03 Jumping on the WotW 2 via twitter. Seach for (#) wotw2 to see the entire thread on twitter..... #
- 17:06 Time 16:54 edt, Louisville, KY- Working medic 2 all day, people seem to have lost control. Extremely busy, what the hell is going on? #wotw2 #
- 17:08 Hearing sporatic reports of attacks on east & west coasts. Ohio valley in panic, EMS system overloaded with trauma patients. #wotw2 #
- 17:16 5th ALS PT today 2/3 on IV's. Extremely busy today. Must be some sort of pegan holiday? #
- 17:18 Traffic at a stand still, people abandoning cars. Dispatch has not mentioned anything, something big is happening and we don't know. #
- 17:27 Traffic at a stand still, people abandoning cars. Dispatch has not mentioned anything, something big is happening and we don't know.#wotw2 #
- 17:33 LMPD swat assembled, multi KY National Guard untis on the road, guns in hand. Next trip to hospital I need to check news #wotw2 #
- 18:17 Explosions can be heard in the distance. Large flashes of orange light preceed noise. KY Gov. telling people to remain inside!? #wotw2 #
- 19:35 Aliens comming around demanding candied goods. Strange, we might defeat them by hyperglycemic coma! #wotw2 #
- 19:50 Multiple working fires, mandatory recall for all public safety employees of the Metro. Dark clouds on horizon. #wotw2 #
- 19:52 Blackout! Sun setting and darkness approches. Chaos is taking hold, and we are without info! Where's my damn ham HT? #wotw2 #
- 20:48 Link to the War of the World 2 twitter style: search.twitter.com/search?q=wotw2 #
- 22:14 Finally after working 84 hours this week, I have 2 days off! I'm sleeping in tomorrow! #
30 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:47 Working at firehouse today. Going to try to have a better day than yesterday. #
- 08:13 WooHoo! I get to go to a Cable Barrier Class today. Oh boy, this sounds like (insert sarcastic remark here)! #
- 12:56 Going to do more fire inspections. Woohoo Big box stores. I am so excited! #
- 15:01 Some one save me from inept officers! I am surrounded. #
29 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:39 Ok, I'm pissed. Some lazy crew left a dirty needle in my ambulance, and yes i got stuck. I found it in the IV start packs. Lazy medics. #
- 07:56 Hey IT guys & gals, I'm thinking of a degree in CIT is it worth all the work? How stable is the IT field? #
- 13:37 Degree choices for me: Fire Science & safety; Computers. Due to my schedule, not many normal degrees will work well. #
- 13:42 Going to go get checked out (poss. blood work) for earlier needle stick. My day keeps getting better. #
28 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 07:38 Working for the man. 82 hours left of ride time. #
- 08:06 1st run for the Ambulance. Code 3 BLS to an MVA. I will wait for an ALS run, since I do not need the contacts. #
- 10:13 Movies I need to own: Kentucky Fried Movie, Student Bodies. Want to see Grindhouse. Funny as hell! #
- 10:40 "Your father's name was yuck? Tell me about your father. did you like yuck?" #
- 12:47 I want to go camping. Fall is great, not too hot cool at night. Camping with my wife & dogs. Sounds like a good weekend. #
- 12:49 Maybe when paramedic is finished I can go camping :D And hiking, climbing, rappelling... I miss my life. Damn you buckster! #
- 18:18 I'm a dope. All this time trying to capture "perfect light" using zone system. I'm going 21st century and trying HDR! #
- 18:23 Ok, first rule of HDR is you need to have a HDR in the image. Some of the ones I've seen have little contrast and are enhanced using HDR #
- 18:25 to add contrast. It doesn't work that way. 2nd I don't like the fakeness of some. I am a realist, & don't like the drawn look. #
- 18:26 Composition shouldn't be forgotten. BLS before ALS. Compose image then HDR. Baby steps. #
27 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:33 Another 24 hours of putting up with narrow minded bosses @ the station. #
- 08:44 Feel like a big ball of negative energy. I'm trying to fight this, but it envelopes me. #
- 08:46 Does a specific degree matter anymore? I will probably get Fire science degree cause it can fit into my schedule easily. #
- 08:47 Not many colleges can account for a 24/48 schedule. Not many online degree choices either. #
- 11:20 Lunch @ Bob Evans. More fire inspections this afternoon. Oh joy! #
- 14:03 "Do you get this....do you know there's other countries?" - Eddie Izzard #
- 23:37 Alright Twitterverse, I'm going to sleep now. Lets try to have a better tomorrow, shall we? #
26 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 17:04 Cleaned the Kitchen, Washed the dogs. Going to walk the dogs in a little while. No days off until next Saturday. #
- 17:29 Still wondering what type of degree to get. I ned to get a degree but in what? #
- 17:29 Damn, maybe I can learn to spell better. NEED. #
- 19:06 Walked the dogs, trimmed one's nails w/ a dremmel. Time for dinner. #
- 21:06 Good night twitterverse. Must get up @ 5am for work. #
25 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 07:24 Providing free labor to the paramedics. 96 hours until I finish. Got to sleep all night @ firehouse. #
- 10:04 There are 2 paramedic students riding today. I'm on 2nd truck. We are making a poss. kitchen fire. First run for me today. #
- 10:38 Going to 85yo female uncontrolled nose bleed. Code 3 BLS. Yawn. #
- 12:31 Attempted lunch. We were next ALS truck up for run. Surprise surprise, we got a run just when we ordered food. #
- 13:16 MVA took 2 refusals. Some one tried to pull a U-turn on the interstate. Didn't work out well for them. #
- 17:46 It's been a day of BLS runs & refusals, albiet a very busy day. Cleared another MVA, why do we have more MVAs when its sunny? #
24 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 05:03 There seems to be water falling from the sky. I have not seen this in a long time, what do they call this phenom? #
- 06:53 Another day of watching stupid people freak out over finances. Cold & rainy in the Metro. MVAs are the order for the day. #
- 09:36 Going to hazmat training this morning. Its on the other side of the county. #
- 09:40 Ok I'm at training for 10 minutes and we lost power. It's going to be that kind of day. #
- 11:29 Power is back. More death by power point. We don't even get to do stinger ops; grounding & bonding due to rain. #
- 14:03 A friend on Facebook asked why I am always training. Here is the list of diciplines I must maintain for my job: Swiftwater/Flood rescue... #
- 14:05 Confined Space rescue, hazmat tech, EMT, Rope rescue, Trench Rescue, Vehicular rescue, Fire Inspector, Fire instructor, Child seat tech... #
- 14:08 Apparatus Operator and "if no one else cansolve the problem ask the fire dept." type skill. Thats why I am always in training. #
- 15:46 Crew is working out at the gym. Sun finally came out. #
- 16:57 Firehouse software is getting on my nerves. I need someone familiar with DB management to assist. Anyone familiar with Visual Fox pro? #
- 17:00 Teams I belong to: Region 6 hazmat; Water Rescue; LMUS&R; Trench Rescue; My department is the Confined space & rope team for the area. #
- 17:01 I train more than I actually perform any of these tasks. I guess thats a good thing. No one wants a disaster of any kind where we are needed #
23 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:15 3 runs since 4am. Canceled on 1st run, Checked a PT in PD custody (no transport), and a refusal of all treatment on 3rd run. #
22 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 07:37 24 hours riding on the ambulance. 1st call PT assist. What's next? #
- 08:57 46 minutes into shift, 3rd run for Ambulance company #
- 09:03 Difficulty breathing, possible return of pneumonia (PT had back in august). Demand pacemaker, CHF. #
- 12:31 Got to eat a little lunch. Run #4 overdose. 9th run for this service today. #
- 12:38 Cancled per PD. Guess it wasn't what they thought. Back to eating Pad Thai (luckily we got it to go) & edamemae #
- 19:51 Why do we get runs during meals? People are very inconsiderate. #
- 20:49 Lac to R leg. Yes she needs stitches, but what an obnoxious woman. People are dense, and we need some darwinian population control! #
21 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 09:11 118 hours left of ride time. Doing 24hrs tomorrow.There is a light at the end of the tunnel! #
- 09:56 Coffee, Roger Waters music (RADIO KAOS at the moment), peacful morning. Pondering.... #
- 10:22 reviewing and critiquing other people's work on photosig.com is.gd/4gKk #
- 10:23 It's really amazing to see other people's artistic expressions with their cameras. #
- 10:28 I need to work on my still life set ups. I've had several ideas that never came out as I saw them. #
- 12:19 WooHoo got 2 kills in a P47D-25. Flying is fun! #
- 13:30 Damnit. Cable is out so no internet flying. Guess I'll have to occupy myself. Maybe its nap time? #
20 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 07:19 Working @ OC today. #
- 10:20 Watched West Wing. I miss that show. Watching 13th Warrior now. Not best movie but it will do for now. #
- 15:25 Sunny day tomorrow. Thinking of taking some photos? We shall see! #
- 17:04 Looking for inspiration, a muse of sorts. Maybe I can find a quiet place to think. #
- 22:58 Listening to tunes, trying to sleep. Too many thoughts. Thinking of a friend, almost lost and in need of reconciliation. #
- 22:59 Could be a long visit home in January. Too many ends need tying, cutting or otherwise straightening. Do i have the patience or time? #
- 23:02 Feel like a lost sailor, compass card spinning, helm swaying to and fro. Have I benn too long at sea? #
- 23:13 Trying to figure out how to capture a song in a still image keeping the emotional impact of the music. Brain hurts. #
- 23:23 Twitter is my brain unfiltered, a dangerous thing when I feed my brain glucose. It likes to think and it's hard to turn off! #
- 23:34 Listening to Dvorak New World Symphony. Searching for creative inspiration (not mechanical respiration). #
19 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 07:52 No Sleep. Runs @ 11pm, 1am Apt fire at 4am. Very tired. 12 more hours of ambulance time! #
- 09:21 No really you are just sick. Does anyone take their own temp. anymore? Dizzy, nausea, vomitting are s/s of being sick! No need for ambulance #
- 09:22 I'm going to take a nap in the ambulance. Maybe next run will provide more excitement. #
- 13:47 Crap, off for 2 shifts and I can't hit garden hose with a lawn dart! #
- 13:51 PT c/o weak & dizzy. Sinus tach then sinus brady w/ hypotension. PVCs w/ runs of v-tach. PT in bigemeny at ho #
- 13:52 Bigeminy @ hospital. He family thought it was anxiety attcak. she needs cardiac help. #
18 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:36 Blech! Working at the firehouse. Annual Physical Agility Test this AM. Only got 4 hours sleep. Need many more. #
- 10:20 Finished PAT time 07:46. Thats good enough to pass. One more year. #
- 12:34 Penn station 4 lunch. College football all afternoon. Daily duties finished. Relax! Go MTSU & Kentucky. #
- 13:45 Watching Band of Brothers. I have not seen many of these shows. #
- 16:16 MTSU beating Louisville 14-7 end of 1st Quarter #
- 17:31 Ok, I'm not a Louisville fan but Kragthorpe why did you not kick FG on the 10yd line? This is why you losee! #
17 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 11:44 Hey medics... is all the training worth it? I am already committed to finishing this but did I waste my time & money on a useless cert.? #
- 12:06 Everyone know about the firefighter and two steel ball bearings? #
- 14:41 Ok, I just realized that I don't have much on my flickr stream. Gonna post some of my "Best" work #
- 15:15 Any photographers use photosig.com? is.gd/4gKl #
- 15:22 Damn, I'm missing some of my older stuff. I need to search the CD files for them #
- 15:23 Uploading phoos to Flickr now. #
- 15:24 I need to save some $ and get a back up drive like 250GB external #
- 15:34 Here is the link to my photostream on flickr is.gd/4gOY #
- 15:38 I bet U shoot a lot more than I do! Broke me says I can't afford a Terabyte HD #
- 15:42 I used to be a lighting designer for Theater. Now I am just a firefighter. I wonder what happened to the alternate me? #
- 15:55 Any photographers follow LensWork? They have some great photos in their magazine #
- 16:09 Feeling metally exhausted. Need....something...to.....clear...brain #
- 16:15 Gonna go fly and kill online people. That takes no brain power. #
- 22:32 Going to sleep. Got PAT in the morning. Not looking forward to 9 minutes of pain. #
16 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 02:12 02:00 For some reason I lay awake. Can't get comfortable. Sleeping at work sucks. Pondering if I should do ride time tomorrow? #
- 02:14 Alarm will sound in 4 hours. Sleep would be nice, but i don't think I'll get much0 #
- 05:30 Ok, I have been awake for 24 hours and 30 minutes. This sucks. I have to go home to get sleep. I need a new job. This one is bad for me #
- 06:23 37 minutes until I leave, and I get to sleep. Of course assuming my dog will allow me to sleep. The time is 06:23 #
- 07:39 Good nite twits. It's 07:38am, I'm home and going to sleep finally. #
- 11:58 I quit. Woke up, let dogs out. German shepard/greyhound eliminated a squirrel; terrier ran out the semi-open gate. I freaking quit! #
- 14:36 Flying & killing. AH II is fun but I suck something fierce. Takes time to learn. #
- 15:45 I need more practice flying in AH II. I suck. Going to go bomb tanks now. Evile Bishop tanks. #
Insomnia 02:37am
I might have to cancel on tomorrow's ride time also. I made a personal commitment that I would not go to work (at my part-time jobs) if I got less than four hours of sleep. Since most of my jobs are on a ambulance, this makes sense. I would not want anyone working on me if they have less than four hours of sleep. I have around 143 hours to complete for ride time. If I do not go tomorrow, I will not be finished until the end of November. I really want all of this paramedic crap to be finished. In my sleep deprived state, I wonder why am I continuing this torture? Why can't I just quit paramedic, walk away and be happy? The only thing worth while is I might get a $5/hr raise at a part time job. I gain nothing at my full time job. Some days I feel like I have wasted two years.
Maybe it has not been a waste of time, I won't know until I make attempts at the test. I am just being selfish. I want more time to do the things I enjoy, like seeing my wife, walking my dogs, playing games, sleeping at home (the only place I get sleep), photography, amature radio, drumming (good grief I have too many hobbies), hiking, climbing/rappelling and anything else that tickles my fancy (not to mention flying).
15 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 06:47 Another 24 at the station. Hopefully we can have a better day. #
- 08:38 Weekly trucks checked, finishing house duties. We ae doing VO2 max test today. Actually it's a mathematical hybrid of a real VO2 max test. #
- 12:02 VO2 max is lame. It's just an estimation of VO2 not actual numbers. Makes the whole thing cheap. Anyone can crunch #'s. #
- 12:03 5 hour enegy drink = BP 154/100 #
- 15:55 Is crazy and investing money in this time of crisis. It's like a blue light special! #
- 20:40 Watching USA vs Trinidad & Tobago in World Cup qualifying. We aren't playing very well. Score 0-0 #
- 21:58 Whats that they say about lying and eye blinking? I see a lot of blinking tonight. #
- 22:05 McCain lies about small businesses. Here is proof. tinyurl.com/6rs4e3 #
- 22:10 Did McCain just say that a Judge who supports Roe v Wade would not be qualified for Supreme Court? #
14 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 13:30 Watching "Midway", recovering from too much work. Good movie. #
- 15:16 Going to fly for a little while (virtually). Aces High II. I have not played in long time. Bet I get shot down a lot. #
- 16:09 Ok enough dying for today. Not looking forward to work tomorrow. #
12 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 05:58 Don't really want to go in today. Open house @ the station. 5 hours is not enough sleep. Was a good show anyway. #
- 20:47 Nessun Dorma- as performed by Phantom Regiment #
- 21:11 Miles Davis- It never entered my mind #
- 21:12 Pat Metheny- Letters from Home #
11 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 09:29 Morning twits. I have the desire to make photos today. Going to see OCMS tonight! #
- 09:36 Yes OCMS are playing the Louisvile Palace tonight. You really want CDs? I can do that for you. Any preferences? #
- 10:31 Working ChaCha now. send a txt question to 242242 (chacha). Any question. Really. #
- 12:54 Did you know ou can be allergic to water? aquagenic pruritis. Weird. #
- 21:00 Waiting for OCMS to take the stage. Opening band was.... Well different. Not good but funny! #
10 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 07:38 Actually got stuff accomplished yesterday at work. The world will probably end soon. Just an FYI. Seek shelter, duck and cover. #
- 11:35 huge cup full O pumpkin spice starbucks love in a cup. #
- 11:45 Heard 2 suicide attempts so far today. One successful, the other just got dispatched. Whats wrong with people? #
- 11:51 ADD moment- Do you think I'll get tachy? Drank 5 hour energy and now large coffee. #
- 11:55 Random unassociated thoughts to go along with this buzz. Do I care about religious affiliation of candidates? #
- 11:56 Dow -455.39. Is that considered dangerous turbulance? NTSB should investigate. #
- 13:21 Can I call 911 and say I'm tired? It's just as good as the other lame reasons people have called for an ambulance today. #
- 15:20 1/2 on IVs. On the way to MVC pedestrian struck. Chaos in the Metro again. No ALS trucks available. #
- 15:41 No Ped struck. Possible broken toe. BLS to the Hosp. Yawn! #
09 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 07:05 Foggy morning in the metro. I'm teaching recruits tonight. No training today. I don't understand that part. #
- 09:45 Another successful suicide. There seems to be a growing problem around here. #
- 12:39 New Voip phone system in firehouse is freaking usless. They go down at least twice a day. can't even call our station 2. #
08 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 09:09 Paying more bills. I like to give my money away :( #
07 October 2008
Twitter Log
- 07:23 Another 12hrs of giving my time away for free. Need more sleep. No runs during the night, got 9 hrs of sleep last night. #
- 08:13 Who Caused the Economic Crisis? tinyurl.com/3fyk8a #
- 09:52 My fire dept. is working a fire. I am riding on an ambulance. I missed my IV attempt on this PT. My head still hurts. #
- 09:59 Listening to the fire, one would swear that they don't have a clue what they are doing. We sound like amatures. #
- 12:25 Had ribs for lunch! Nice surpise. Head ache subsiding and belly is happy. Nap time. #
- 14:15 Rain is comming. Could be a busy afternoon. ER's are already backing up. Fun for me and you! #
- 14:19 Is it bad if I have to show the guy (who is going to boards on Thursday) how to correctly place V1-6 leads? I think there is a problem there #
- 19:39 Got a 1 deg AV block w/ bradycardia & hypotension. Raised feet, Got IV, pushed Atropine, 250mL fluid challenge. 3/4 on IVs today! #